Wall Street Journal Crossword Answers


Find the Solutions for your daily Wallstreet Journal Crossword Puzzles – we help you solving it!

Based in:New York City
Releases: daily (mo-sat)
Difficulty Level: ranges from moderately easy to difficult
Published first: 1998
Special: Friday crossword features a contest: a “puzzle within a puzzle”
Next Game in 6h 42m
March 2025

Wallstreet Journal Crossword Answers to help you quickly continue playing your favorite crossword puzzle

The Wall Street Journal crossword puzzle is one of the most popular puzzles in the world and a challenge for all experienced word masters and crossword puzzle enthusiasts. It is published daily in the Wall Street Journal, but can also be played online via browser or app.

Our website will help you answer your open questions easily. We publish the latest answers to the questions every day. You can also retrieve all Wall Street Journal crossword answers from our database via our calendar feature. Decide for yourself whether you want to see only individual answers or the complete solved puzzle right away. Have you already solved today's Wall Street Journal crossword puzzle? But your desire for puzzles is not yet satisfied? Then try to solve the current puzzle of this famous newspaper:

NY Times crossword puzzle answers LA Times crossword puzzle answers Washington Post crossword puzzle answers

Interesting facts about the Wallstreet Journal

The Wall Street Journal was founded in 1889 and is one of the oldest and largest newspapers in the United States of America. It is one of the most renowned and respected financial newspapers in the world. The Wall Street Journal is published in more than 130 countries and offers numerous analyses and commentaries on financial and economic topics. It is known for its comprehensive coverage of stocks, companies and markets, as well as its detailed analysis and commentary. The Wall Street Journal is published daily and has a circulation of around 2.1 million copies per day.

The Wall Street Journal crossword puzzle

In addition to reporting, the daily crossword puzzle is a well-known and popular feature in the Wall Street Journal. The first crossword puzzle in the Wall Street Journal was published on February 12, 1924. It is published Monday through Saturday, with the difficulty level at moderate to difficult. The Saturday crossword puzzle is usually medium to difficult. All puzzles in the Wall Street Journal have a title, usually chosen to match the theme of the questions and answers.

The crossword puzzle is especially popular with avid puzzle enthusiasts because the questions are usually very challenging. The search terms often refer to vivid words that are uncommon, so you have to apply a lot of knowledge and skill to solve it. It often consists of a very difficult set of questions and answers related to financial topics and businesses. It is also known for its difficult combinations of words and phrases.

  • The Monday through Friday crossword puzzles are published in a 15 x 15 format and have a maximum of 78 words that are searched for.
  • The Saturday crossword puzzle is slightly larger at 21 x 21 and contains up to 144 questions.

The current editor for the crossword at the Wall Street Journal is Mike Shenk. He has been editing the crossword puzzle for the Wall Street Journal since 1998. Mike Shenk is an award-winning puzzle author and one of the leading crossword editors in the world, known for his innovative crosswords and outstanding puzzles. His crossword puzzles are easy to solve, but challenging enough to keep those who are interested captivated. Moreover, he has also won numerous awards for his crosswords.

Special - Wallstreet Journal Contest Crossword

The crossword puzzle in the Friday edition of the Wall Street Journal has a special feature. Since 2015, there has been a so-called Contest Crossword, which has won many fans. The twist to this puzzle is that a secret word or even phrase is hidden in each completed puzzle grid, and you have to figure out what it is. These words or phrases are called "metas".

These words or clues are now used to solve the "weekly question" that is next to the Friday puzzle. Puzzle fans can send their correct answer to the Wallstreet Journal for a chance to win an iconic WSJ coffee mug. There's a WSJ forum specifically for this particular crossword, where so-called muggles share tips. Of course you can also just find Wallstreet Journal Crossword Answers quickly and easily with the help of our site.

Our Conclusion

The Wall Street Journal crossword puzzle is a difficult and challenging puzzle that will help you exercise your mind as well as having a good time. It is a great way to improve your vocabulary and learn new words and terms. It's best to solve it together with friends or family to have the best experience possible. And if you get stuck on a question, we have the Wallstreet Journal Crossword Answer for you at a glance.

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