Newsday Crossword Answers


Find the Solutions for your daily Newsday Crossword Puzzles – we help you solving it!

Based in:Melville, New York
Releases: Daily
Difficulty Level: ranges from moderately easy to difficult
Published first: 1988
Special: the title of each Newsday crossword gives you a clue to the theme of the puzzle
Next Game in 
January 2025

Newsday Crossword Answers – with our help you will quickly get the solutions you are looking for

Are you one of the passionate puzzle solvers of the daily Newsday newspaper crossword, but sometimes get stuck on a question? Or do you just want to look for answers from a previous issue? Then you have come to the right place! Here you can find your questions and Newsday Crossword Answers clearly arranged. You can also search for your solution word easily and quickly.

Besides the Newsday crossword puzzle you can find many other crossword puzzles from the most popular newspapers in the English-speaking world, such as these ones:

Newsday – The daily newspaper from Long Island

The newspaper was founded in 1940 in Long Island, NY and is one of the top 10 newspapers with the highest circulation in the USA and has won several Pulitzer Prizes. Due to its tabloid format, it strongly resembles a tabloid newspaper. That's why it's also been dubbed a "respectable tabloid." In addition to its print edition, Newsday can also be accessed online, although a paid subscription is required to read it and solve the crossword puzzles. It is also available via app for Android and IOS.

The Newsday crossword puzzle by Stanley Newman

None other than Stanley Newman is responsible for Newsday's crossword puzzles. His crosswords are characterized by varying degrees of difficulty, and he is also one of the leading crossword experts in the USA.

Fun fact: Since 1996, Stanley Newman has held the world record for the fastest time to solve a New York Times crossword puzzle at 2 minutes and 14 seconds.

Since 1988 he has been the editor of the well-known Sunday puzzles and since 1992 the daily crosswords have also been published under his supervision. Stanley Newman was a protégé of the world-famous editor Will Shortz, who is still the editor of the crosswords for the NY Times. This also makes the crosswords in Newsday incredibly challenging and varied puzzles for any word acrobat. In addition to the Newsday crosswords, Stanley Newman is also the author of over 200 crossword books and co-developer of the Crosswords with Friends app.

Crossword puzzle difficulty levels

The crossword puzzle in The Newsday is published daily and becomes increasingly difficult from Monday to Friday. For one thing, this is an old tradition, and for another, it keeps the puzzles varied for puzzle lovers of all ages. All crosswords in Newsday have a title that gives the theme.

  • The Monday and Tuesday crosswords are lightly designed to give you a good and quick puzzle start to the week. They can be solved well even by teenagers and beginners, since the answers do not involve tricks and are taken from everyday speech. The puzzles on Wednesday to Friday are more difficult. You need more puzzle experience to get the solutions.
  • The crossword puzzle on Saturday is the most difficult of the week and also the most popular.
  • The Sunday puzzle has the most questions, but is more difficult than the week's puzzles. On top of that, it has a blurb that gives clues to the puzzle.

Tips to solve the Newsday crossword puzzles more easily

  • It's best to start with a fill-in-the-blank clue and then fill in the answers at the clues that already contain letters.
  • Work in clusters and don't jump back and forth between questions. This will help you get to the solutions faster.
  • If you get stuck, it is good to just take a short break. If that doesn't help, just use our answer table the next day and you will get your suggested solution. Or just search our database for possible answers.
  • Find a puzzle partner who has a different vocabulary and knowledge set than you do
  • When the puzzle is solved, it is useful to look at the topic again. This way you can make sure that the answers are correct.

Special - Newsday Crossword Contests

Another reason for the numerous crossword puzzle followers of Newsday are the crossword contests, which are started again and again and are a lot of fun. Depending on the theme and occasion, great prizes await the winner.

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